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Covid-19 Office Policy

Patient Information

As you are aware, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued warnings and precautions to Health-Care Providers Worldwide regarding Coronavirus.

We at Quasha Family Dental are taking every precaution necessary to limit the exposure of any virus within our office, and we ask that you help us by participating in these precautions.

1. Upon arrival please wait in your car and call us at 561-799-5558, our front desk will let you know when it’s your turn to come inside the office.

2. Please make sure you have filled out the new COVID-19 forms which can be found here: COVID-19 FORM

3. Upon entering the office please disinfect your hands with the provided hand sanitizer.

4. If using the restroom or exiting and reentering our office, we ask that you use the hand sanitizer provided upon reentry.

5. Please inform us if you are currently experiencing a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.

6. Please note that we will be limiting social distance, including handshaking, as a means of decreasing possible transmission of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

7. Please inform us of any recent travel outside of the US to areas considered level 3 precaution by the CDC. This includes the following Countries: Italy, South Korea, Iran, and China ( As of March 5, 2020)

8. Please also inform us if you have recently traveled within the US.

9. A face mask or covering must be worn at all times while in the office. The doctor or office staff will guide you on when to remove it for treatment.

Thank you for your consideration and participation in these office policies.

Dr. Michael Quasha and staff.